


We explain what something undervalued is, the origin of the term and how it can be used. Also, examples in sentences.

Something undervalued is something that is not appreciated as it should be.

What is something undervalued?

When we say that something is undervalued, we mean that its true value is not being appreciated and that it is being undervalued. In other words, something undervalued is something or someone undervalued, to which less value is attributed than it has.

For example, an undervalued baseball player is one whose sports work goes unfairly unnoticed, that is, who is not appreciated within the team as he really deserves it, but is thought to be a worse player than he really is.

This word derives, logically, from the verb underestimate, composed of the Latin roots infra– (“below”) and I will be worth (“to have strength, health or courage”). The latter also gives rise to the current word "value", which can be understood as bravery or as merit, usefulness.

The verb underestimate can be applied to any thing or person that is being appreciated or valued by third parties, and with it we can refer to any type of worth or merit. For example:

  • William Faukner is one of the most underrated writers by readers today.
  • The role of the socialist party in the fall of the dictatorship has been underestimated for decades.
  • My contribution to the work is greatly undervalued in that review.
  • We have underestimated the industrial potential of this region.
  • Aren't you underestimating the total cost of this financial investment?

underrated and overrated

If the verb undervalue describes the action of giving something less value than it really has, its opposite, overvalue, describes the opposite action: giving something more value than it really has.

Thus, when one speaks, for example, of "a film overvalued by critics", it is affirming that the praise and high esteem in which it is held is not really that bad, that it is being inflated, unfairly praised.

Other examples of using this word in a sentence would be:

  • Iceland's involvement in the war is often overrated.
  • Analysts overestimate the future role of cryptocurrencies.
  • That Mesopotamian pot was overpriced at auction.
  • An athlete should never overestimate his physical ability.
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